the wrong side of the bed

Monday, May 10, 2004


check this super nice (if grammatically problematic) email from a student:

"Hey Dorotha,

Thanks again and Im glad you enjoyed my comment on my favorite author of all-time being R.L. Stine in discussion."

thanks, anonymous student! that particular day of class was a treat.

today at the final exam, my student dorotha, with whom i am obsessed, came up to me and said that she and some of the other students were going to ask me to hang out with them this summer. i could barely contain myself. angela became quite disturbed.

overall, i think this has been one of my worst semesters of teaching. i mean, i still cared about and enjoyed my students, but i didn't put as much into preparations for classes as i should have. i'd taught the class before, so i found myself winging it quite a bit when i didn't have time to adequately prepare. i hope my charms are enough to rescue my evals from the abysmal pits where they belong.

10:52 PM


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