the wrong side of the bed

Friday, December 07, 2007

No follow through

Okay, so I was too busy at the gala to get before and after pictures. It turned out that I mostly looked like myself in a dress. The transformation was not as radical as I had hoped. My co-workers were going to do my hair and make up, but we were too busy to do anything but work.

I've been lazy about my blog. I'm going to try to write more posts. It isn't as if I have nothing to say. And I can say anything to you.
8:39 AM


Put on the dress again and take a picture. I insist.
Blogger Gwen, at 7:14 PM  
you can say anything to me. I hope you still know that.

missing dorotha's wit...
Blogger dr alex, at 9:40 PM  
Liked your comments on the Sociological images blog. Keep writing if you are moved to- the best writers are talking to themselves first, anyway.
Blogger staghounds, at 8:47 PM  
The post is written in very a good manner and it contains many useful information for me. PLease coming site desksta
Blogger Sophie Grace, at 4:35 AM  

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