the wrong side of the bed
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
what have i become?
lately i have been making myself stay awake until i can barely keep my eyes open just so that i am not left lying in my bed, thinking, thinking, thinking. i used to have insomnia when i was a kid. this is just another flowers for algernon moment for me.
11:11 PM
I have been suffering from insomnia lately. No matter how exhausted I am when I go to bed, I get there and just lie awake for hours THINKING. I hate it.
in my opnion an my experience
the best treatment for insomnia is physical activity my recomended is walking an swimming with steam sauna . good luck !
, at the best treatment for insomnia is physical activity my recomended is walking an swimming with steam sauna . good luck !
mohammad, i'm sure you are right. do know that i am sticking my tongue out at you.